Depression is spreading, and discourages many people to live. How this state of mind is understood by Spiritism? And how…
With the end of life suffering and major conflicts we face vanish simply because dying all cease to exist along with us.…
Allan Kardec wrote and published The Spiritist Magazine from 1858 to 1869.
Brief explanation of the three aspects of Spiritism. Source:
We live in deep exchange with spirits, being intuited to make the right decisions, getting the protection of our mentors,…
The arrival of a baby completely changes the lives of their parents, so that before an unwanted pregnancy, imagining possible…
Dr. Vanessa Anseloni talks about the Spiritist view on Autism and its relationship with self-obsessions. Based on the works…
Dr. Anseloni and guests discuss the Spiritist view on abortion, the importance of preganncy and pre-natal life, as well…
The experienced and renowned Spiritist teacher Janet Ducan leads a conversation on the Spiritist view on Mediumship. In…
Leon Denis was the great apostle of Spiritism. Born in France, he learn about Spiritism and kept Kardec's legacy to the…